Everything you see Out There, is made with love by owners Andy & Liz, and a whole bunch of friends, family and volunteers. Out There was dreamed up from a desire to jump off the mouse wheel, run for the hills and live life off-leash!
very pleased with how level our posts are!
Inspired by the astonishing adventures of Muriel Wylie Blanchet, who left widowed in 1927, packed her five kids and the dog into a 25 ft wooden boat and cruised the BC Coast, we were magically drawn into the breathtaking beauty of Egmont, Jervis Inlet and specifically Nelson Island. Sure enough, our dream property was right there waiting for us. As one of our guests described it, Serendipity found.
After many years of saving, planning, observing, learning, repeat, Out There began to take shape in the summer of 2012. Our dream was to create a rustic but luxurious off-grid oasis designed to take advantage of BC's temperate rain forest by harvesting rainwater, solar and wind power. Our main goal was to "fit in", leave minimal impact on the surrounding environment and to gently encourage more sustainable tourism.
Meeting our curious neighbours up close and personal has been one of the most memorable aspects of building Out There. Eagles, seals, sea lions, and chip monks are all regular visitors and the shoreline is teaming with sea-life. We have even been lucky enough to glimpse orca, grey whales and dolphin pods.
It's all about making memories. Here’s a few of our favourites from building our dream. We hope Out There provides an inspirational back-drop for your own wilderness adventures.
Building Out There
“We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do.”